Thanks to a federal grant awarded in October 2022, Humility Homes and Services (HHSI), an evidence based permanent supportive housing provider in Scott County, Iowa will work with the 7th District Department of Corrections to provide scattered-site, permanent supportive housing for 120 formerly incarcerated individuals, who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of experiencing homelessness in a five county region in east-central Iowa.  

7th District proposes the Housing First project to address the problem of chronic homelessness or housing insufficiency for those clients who present at a high level of risk for recidivism. 7th District has received no previous Second Chance Act funding, nor has it engaged in any outcome-based contracts during the past five years. The inability to secure safe, secure, stable and affordable housing may contribute to self-imposed isolation and risky survival behaviors; substance abuse, crime, and homelessness or risk of homelessness.   In consultation with the Corporation for Supportive Housing, HHSI has facilitated the feasibility study of Pay For Success for supportive housing.  BJA-2022-171034 is a funding catalyst that will move our community from feasibility to transaction and implementation of Pay For Success and outcomes-based contracting. This proposal demonstrates that 7th District and HHSI will provide supportive housing with the objective of placing individuals in housing that will enhance the individual’s opportunities to make a successful transition from incarceration to an independent living situation, thereby decreasing the chances for recidivism and improving the prospects for a life of independence and dignity.

This project will develop a comprehensive program with outcomes-based contracting to ensure treatment and services for clients who experience chronic substance abuse, substance dependency and who are involved in the judicial system.  The joint effort will address an array of integrated comprehensive programs for addressing behavioral health issues, diagnosable substance abuse and dependency recovery issues, physical morbidities, locate and enroll clients in resources for health insurance and other benefit programs to treatment of addictions, co-morbidities, and securing safe residencies. 

A key component of this program is engaging and keeping clients involved in these comprehensive programs so that they may be reintegrated into society, employing their valuable experiences as an advantage toward recovery and eventual productive, sustainable employment.  The program proposed will address the needs of a minimum of 40 clients (including families) annually (at least 120 individuals over the period of the grant) with the goals of insurability through public and private programs, client self-sufficiency, and permanent, safe housing.


Department of Justice Housing Grant Narrative

DOJ Housing Grant Video Update