Pursuant to the enactment of HF 2492 by the 87th General Assembly, incarcerated individuals will no longer be allowed to receive or possess information or material that is sexually explicit or features nudity.


This law goes into effect on July 1, 2018.  However, the DOC will implement this new law on November 14, 2018 so that administrative rules and DOC policy can be adopted.



  • You can continue to view and possess allowable sexually explicit/nude publications that have been previously ordered until November 14, 2018.
  • You should start making arrangements to send out sexually explicit/nude publications and not renew any subscriptions or orders of any new sexually explicit/nude publications for delivery any time after November 14, 2018.  You should contact the publisher and re-direct any existing subscriptions or orders. 


  • On November 14, 2018, you will not be allowed to possess ANY material that is sexually explicit or features nudity.  This rule applies to all items previously allowed in the Iowa Department of Corrections from any source prior to this date and must be sent out of the institution or destroyed. 


  • After November 14, 2018, offenders who are found in possession of sexually explicit materials or materials that feature nudity will be subject to disciplinary sanctions.


  • Materials that were previously allowed, and not sexually explicit or featuring nudity, will still be permitted.