Visiting information and online reservations will be available under Friends and Family Resources.
Per Department visitation policy, all visitors upon entrance to the institutions shall be subject to search. Security and contraband control are critical operational requirements, necessitating a search of all visitors by trained correctional staff. Searches may include, but are not limited to, a pat down, metal detectors, electronic ion scanners, other electronic devices, or visual searches. If visitors refuse to comply with the Department visitation policy, entrance to the visiting room will be denied.
Note: Because each prison has different in-person vs video visiting days/times, those looking to schedule a visit will need to use the online scheduling system to find times/days that are available.
Visitor Clothing
1. Visitors shall be properly attired prior to entering a correctional setting.
2. All visitors shall wear shoes.
3. Visitors wearing miniskirts, shorts (that are above the knee), muscle shirts, see-through clothing or halter tops will not be allowed to visit. Institutional procedure will address the wearing of shorts by children under 12.
4. Visitors wearing clothing with slogans, pictures, or words intended to deprecate race, sex, or cultural values shall not be allowed entry.
5. Visitors may be required to remove for the duration of the visit outerwear such as, but not limited to, coats, hats, gloves, or sunglasses.
6. A medical need for sunglasses must be verified by a prescription.