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The Department partners with local colleges and universities to provide students with an opportunity to complete internships or volunteer work experience in community-based corrections. Numerous Department employees were interns and/or volunteers before being hired.


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• Practical experience will help with career planning and decisions.
• Provides an opportunity to learn and practice new skills.
• Increases their knowledge and enhances their chances of obtaining employment in the corrections field.
• Networking opportunities with professionals in the corrections field.


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• Develops a more experienced employee applicant pool.
• Improves the employee selection process by providing an opportunity to observe potential employees in the work environment.
• Assists Department staff with job tasks which may be performed in a supervised capacity.
• Gives Department staff an opportunity to help students grow and learn.


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*Applicants must email their full application to the appropriate district coordinator / contact (see below). Applicants must type "SecureMail" into the subject line of your email in order to maintain confidentiality.

Volunteer Application
Internship Application


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1st District
Dan Grosserdaniel.grosser@iowa.gov
Gene Briesgene.bries@iowa.gov
Wendy Lyonswendy.lyons@iowa.gov
Traci Suarez & Emily Wulfekuhletraci.suarez@iowa.gov
Emily Wulfekuhleemily.wulfekuhle@iowa.gov
2nd District
Ashley Lappeashley.lappe@iowa.gov
3rd District
Jennica Corporonjennica.corporon@iowa.gov
4th District 
Carl Brackcarl.brack@iowa.gov
5th District 
Teresa Carderteresa.carder@iowa.gov
6th District 
Heidi Soethoutheidi.soethout@iowa.gov
Colin Ryancolin.ryan@iowa.gov
7th District 
Kendrick Howardkendrick.howard@iowa.gov
8th District 
Melanie Imhoffmelanie.imhoff@iowa.gov